The June 2, meeting came to order at 7pm. Pledge of allegiance said and a prayer by “Santa”. There were 19 in attendance, no new members or guests.

Lisa read the Secretary’s report: I wanted to say a special thank you to Kurt “Zip” Behrendts for the beautiful pictures he took at B4B and sent to me so quickly, so that they could be put into the Rider last month. Thank you, thank you, thank you Mike Poage for all that you do and all that you have done for the Region and the Awareness program.

Bryan read Treasures report and A.C. /M&E officer report: We are working on a combined end of the year party at Hell Creek Ranch with a few other Regions as none of us are interested in/agree with the Field Meet that our Board of Directors has set up this year.

Mike read the Awareness report: 93 students taught this month and 301ytd. “Our awareness program is healthy again.” Mike has chosen to only be a part-time instructor so that he can pursue other adventures. He handed (unexpectedly to her) Lisa the calendar of classes scheduled and an Awareness Coordinator patch.

Marte read the Legislative Officers report: On the federal level they want to pass a nationwide mandatory helmet law called The Grow America Act. (202) 224-3121 is the number to the helpdesk that we need to call every day to prevent this.
Here are the other important phone numbers you need to know:
Pam Faris dis 48 (517)373-7557
Ben Glardon dis 85 (517)373-0841
Joseph Graves dis 51 (517)373-1780
Charles Smiley dis 50 (517)373-3906
Woodrow Stanley dis 34 (517)373-8808
Phillip Phelps dis 49 (517)373-7515
Cindy Denby dis 47 (517)373-8836
These are our State Representatives, they work for us. Please, let’s continue to remind them that we ride motorcycles, we pay taxes and we vote. They do not know what we want unless we tell them.

John read the Products report: Thanks to everyone the worked on the products table at B4B. We are looking to get new product for next year. We are also looking into a new company to do our apparel.

Bryan read Regional Coordinators report: Thank you to all that helped out at Bike’n for Burns this year. It was a huge success with more than 800 motorcycles. The good weather made a huge difference. We are looking into making the Friday nights party more fun and profitable. No meeting in July. Thank you Stephen Kuch for all of the work you did as Web Master and Carrie Flood for stepping up to take over as Web Master . Also thank you “Basic” Bob for stepping up as A.C.

Bryan read Cares and Concerns: We still need a member the step up and take over this position. June birthdays; 1st Kurt “Zip” Behrendts, 22nd Steve “General” Graves. July birthdays; 17th Marte Merrell, 18th “Basic” Bob, 29th Melissa Violette. Please keep in your prayers: Big B as his mom is in recovery from a surgery and he has to have surgery. C.B is having a fund raiser for Kurt Lehr on June 22nd at JW’s Karaoke Music Factory. $10 a person and all proceeds go to his family and medical bills, pray for Margaret and her sister and also Margaret’s new granddaughter (congratulations).
Randy put in a motion to pay for a full back patch on Bryans vest. It was passed.

Our next meeting is Aug 4th at 7pm at D-Railed in Durand. Meeting came to close at 8:05